Word Wheels... Vocabulary building game This game for Windows presents the user with three 'wheels', side by side. They each have letters on their edges. The user rotates the wheels forwards or backwards until a word is made. The object is to make as many words as possible in the limited time allowed. Nothing fancy... just some elegant (and educational) fun. Author: TK Boyd, contact via CompuServe 100665,1141, or Internet 100665.1141@compuserve.com or http://ourworld.compuserve.com/Homepages/TK_Boyd or 7 Nelson Close, Tangmere, Chichester, W. Sx, PO20 6FW UK, or (slowest): Box 367, Essex, CT, 06426, USA Demonstration version is free. Full version is $18 or 12 pounds British. Visit the website listed above for additional information on this, other programs and other matters! The program will run from a write-protected floppy if you don't want it on your hard disc or you are worried about it writing things to your disc.